Little Miss "V"

Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Here's little Miss "V", almost 1 year old! Such a happy little girl! We had fun working with her, and I think she really enjoyed our puppet, Firemarshall Bob! Happy early Birthday!!! Enjoy your sneak peeks!

Senior Portraits - Joshua

We had the pleasure of photographing another senior. Joshua came all the
way from Jackson! He was such a sport & we really enjoyed getting to meet
him! Congratulations Josh!!!


Sunday, May 3, 2009
This is my daughter, Lillian (Lilli), a.k.a. "the test model". It had been a while since I took her photos and I needed to try some camera settings out so she helped me out. It sure was a workout though. I don't know if there is another child on the planet who wiggles and moves more than her. Plus she's famous for making her bizarre weird faces so to get a few "normal" shots took a while. We had fun though, and she was happy when it was!