Sneak Peeks From Our Photo Party

Monday, February 23, 2009
Well, we survived our first photo party! We had a blast, but boy were we tired by the end of the night! Thanks to everyone who braved the snow and allowed us to photograph you. We sure appreciated the practice and had so much fun talking with you and your children! Hope to see you again soon! Enjoy your "sneak peeks" :-)

The Robinson-Heath Family

Saturday, February 7, 2009
Well, Heather & I don't get too many requests this time of year for outdoor pictures :-), but we had the pleasure of taking family photos for the Robinson-Heath family a couple of weekends ago. It was absolutely FREEZING outside, but we still had a blast. What a sweet family, and cool kids!! It's neat working with all the white snow as opposed to the green we have during the warmer seasons. It really makes for some great black and whites! Well, I hope you enjoy the sneak peek, Kathy, and that they were worth the wait!!!