Leighton Senior Portraits

Monday, July 13, 2009

The Lane's

Friday, July 10, 2009
These photos are especially precious to me since they are like my own family! Love you guys! Thanks for letting us capture your memories!

Nazione Senior Portraits

Alisha is our first senior this year for the class of 2010! We had a fun day in and out of the studio. I think her cheeks hurt from smiling by the end of the shoot, but we caught some beautiful moments. I hope she can say it was well worth it! Good luck Alisha, and enjoy your final year of highschool!

The Kile's

Monday, July 6, 2009
I had the pleasure of doing a photo shoot for my husband's brother Adam and his wife Stephanie. We quickly realized that their photo shoot had turned it's focus more onto their daughter...lol...there were so many great shots - it was hard to limit to just 6! Enjoy!!


I had the great pleasure to do a couple mini-shoots w/ some of my friends' babies! What precious little angels they are!!!
This is "C"...he had napped and eaten - so he was as happy as could be!

Here's "S"...she's such a sweetie and was a PERFECT baby for the mini-shoot!!

The Special "K's"

Wednesday, June 24, 2009
These are actually from two separate shoots, but they're family so I thought I'd post them together. It was a HOT day, but boy were the sun and blue skies just absolutely beautiful. It was hard on the kids in that heat, but they did great! Enjoy your sneak peeks, Kristin & Kristie!

The Raleigh Family

Sunday, June 14, 2009
Aunt Becky rarely gets to come out to visit - so when she did we decided to do a photo shoot at the family picnic. What a fun family...I wish we could see them all more often!

Above is Aunt Becky

My mother-in-law, Ruth Kile, is on the far left.

The Kapila Family

Saturday, June 13, 2009
Meet the Kapila family! What a pleasure it was to meet them, and such a fun and easy shoot. Mitali knew exactly what she wanted which was a HUGE help for us. But really, look at those beautiful big brown eyes below, how much easier could it have gotten? Heather & I had a great time!